Lead In Drinking Water Information

Harmar Water Authority regularly tests for lead in drinking water and has taken steps to minimize levels through improvements in corrosion control.  The most common source of lead in tap water is the plumbing in your home.

Lead levels in drinking water are more likely to be higher if:

  • your home or water system has lead pipes or has a lead service line
  • your home has copper pipes with lead solder
  • your home was built before 1986 and
  • you have soft or acidic water
  • water sits in the pipes for several hours

Minimizing your Exposure:

You cannot see, smell or taste lead, and boiling water will not remove lead. Although our water is treated to minimize the risk of lead, you can reduce you household's exposure to lead in drinking water by following these simple step:

  • Flush your tap before drinking or cooking with water, if the water in the faucet has gone unused for more than six hours.
  • Try not to cook with or dink water from the hot water faucet. Hot water has the potential to contain more lead than cold water.
  • Remove loose lead solder and debris from plumbing.
  • When replacing or installing fixtures, look for the "lead free" label.
  • If you are still concerned about elevated levels and want to find out where you can have your water tested by a certified laboratory, contact the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Act Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.

Frequently Asked Q and A:

Q: Is lead in water regulated and does Harmar Water Comply with these standards?
A: Yes and yes. The EPA's  lead standard is an action level that requires treatment modifications if lead test results exceed 15 parts per billion (ppb) in more than 10 percent of first draw samples taken from household taps. We conduct tests in our distribution system in accordance with the EPA regulatory requirements. Fore more information on our system tests you can view our annual Water Quality Report at www.harmarwater.com under about your water tab.
Q: Does that mean there is no lead in my water?
A: Not necessarily. You might have lead in your dinking water if your household plumbing system has lead pipes or if lead solder was used in the joints